• FLOWLINE(氟莱)DX10超声波液位计


     品牌:FLOWLINE  型号:ECHOPOD系列DX10  加工定制:否  
     类型:超声波液位变送器  测量范围:49.2“(1.25米)  测量精度:0.125“(3毫米)  
     材质:PVDF传感器和6P聚碳酸酯外壳用于  电源:24 VDC  输出信号:4-20mA mA 


    通用超声波液位变送器提供连续物位测量高达49.2“(1.25米)与可选择0-5 VDC,0-10 VDC或976-2000赫兹的频率信号输出,并通过我们免费的WebCal的软件配置。选择与模拟输入卡接口的电压输出。选择离散输入卡接口的输出频率。这种非接触式液位传感器非常适合腐蚀性,粘性或脏污的液体,并为小天槽,防滑,IBC广泛选择,油箱和油箱的过程级应用。 



    •  连续的非接触式液位测量高达49.2“(1.25米)
    •  可选择的电压(模拟)或频率(离散)信号输出
    •  窄2“波束宽度和短2”小坦克进行了优化死区
    •  PVDF传感器和6P聚碳酸酯外壳用于腐蚀性液体
    •  自动温度补偿进行精确测量
    • FLOWLINE(氟莱)DX10超声波液位计产品规格

      范围: 49.2“(1.25米)
      准确性: 0.125“(3毫米)
      解析度: 0.019“(0.5mm)的
      死区: 2“(5厘米)
      梁宽: 2“(5厘米)
      组态: WebCal®PC的Windows®USB 2.0的USB 2.0
      记忆: 非易失性
      电源电压: 24 VDC(回路)
      消费: 0.5W
      环抗拒: 400Ω***大
      信号输出: 4-20毫安,两线
      信号反相: 4-20 mA或20-4毫安
      信号故障 - 安全: 4毫安到20mA 21毫安,
      过程温度: F:20°至140°
      温度。 补偿: 自动
      环境温度。: F:-31°至140°
      压力: MWP = 30 PSI(2条)
      防护等级: 类型6P,包膜完整,
      机箱机箱。 材料: 聚碳酸酯
      应力消除:垫 山都平
      跨。 材料: PVDF
      电缆护套垫: 聚氨酯
      电缆类型: 4芯屏蔽
      电缆长度: 48“(1.2米)
      安装过程: 1“NPT(1”G)
      安装垫片: 氟橡胶
      分类: 一般用途
      合规性: CE,RoHS指令
      认证: cFMus
    • 型号 描述
      DX10-00 EchoPod®超声波液位传感器(电压或频率),1.25米范围,1“NPT
      DX10-01 EchoPod®超声波液位传感器(电压或频率),1.25米范围,1“NPT W /FOB
      DX10-10 EchoPod®超声波液位传感器(电压或频率),1.25米范围,1“G
      DX10-11 EchoPod®超声波液位传感器(电压或频率),1.25米范围,1“G W /FOB


    • Sensor provides 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC or 976-2000 Hz level measurement
    • Compact sensor with 2” beam width and 2” dead band optimized for small tank applications
    • Rugged PVDF transducer and polycarbonate enclosure rated 6P for corrosive media

    The Flowline EchoPod DX10 ultrasonic sensor provides general purpose non-contact level measurement in small tanks. The DX10 includes an encapsulated, corrosion resistant, and submersible polycarbonate enclosure that is well suited for a wide range of corrosive, sticky or dirty type media. The DX10 is suitable for small atmospheric tank, IBC, drum, skid or process vessel and sump applications.

    The Flowline EchoPod DX10 has a measuring range of up to 49.2" (1.25m) with an accuracy of 0.125" (3 mm). The sensor includes 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC or 976-2000Hz signal outputs. Users can select the voltage output to directly replace a contact measurement sensor connected to a PLC analog input. The frequency output can be selected to replace a contact measurement sensor or switch assembly, and eliminate the cost of an analog input card by connecting the DX10 to a PLC discrete input.

    The Flowline EchoPod DX10 level sensor is configured using Flowline's WebCal software and Fob USB interface tool. A single configuration can be easily created, saved, duplicated, emailed or modified. Take control of your level process with WebCal's intuitive interface, pre-programmed menus, tank set point graphics and custom wiring diagrams for each of your configurations. It's level configuration made simple.

    Flowline EchoPod DX10 Ultrasonic Sensor Specifications
    Range 49.2" (1.25 m)
    Accuracy 0.125" (3 mm)
    Resolution 0.019" (0.5 mm)
    Beam width 2" (5 cm)
    Dead band 2" (5 cm)
    Supply voltage 24 VDC
    Consumption 0.5 W
    Signal Output 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 976-2000 Hz
    Frequency Sink current = 15 mA nominal
    Fail-safety Full, empty, hold last
    Configuration WebCal, USB 2.0
    Temperature compensation Automatic over range
    Process temperature 20° to 140°F; -7° to 60°C
    Ambient temperature -31° to 140°F; -35° to 60°C
    Pressure MWP = 30 PSI
    Enclosure Type 6P encapsulated, corrosion resistant & submersible
    Enclosure material Polycarbonate
    Strain relief material Santoprene
    Trans. material PVDF
    Cable length 48" (1.2 m)
    Cable jacket material Polyurethane
    Process mount 1" NPT (1" G)
    Mounting gasket Viton
    Classification General purpose
    Approvals CE, cFMus
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